If you find that a finance company refuses you credit it’s almost certainly because of a poor credit score. Yet despite this 49% of UK adults* have never attempted to access their credit reports and have no idea about what their credit score might be or how to improve it. The good news is that […]
Category: Uncategorized
Cost of dying reaches a record high
The death of a loved one is hard enough without having to worry about how you’ll pay for their funeral. But this is the unfortunate reality for many people as the average cost of a UK funeral is now £4,417, a 3.4 % rise on the previous year. And according to the annual Sun Life […]
Matched 5% APR loan rate
Transave has launched a new ‘matched’ APR rate of 5% for personal loans. The new rate is available to members who are looking to borrow an amount up to but not exceeding the maximum amount of their savings. Members will then be able to continue to build their savings and attract a dividend whilst they […]